The rules that you set up filter new message that arrive in your inbox. If you have a server junk filter that’s moving messages directly to Junk, bypassing the inbox, Mail does not auto-apply the rules to them. You can, however, set up a script to have SpamSieve monitor the Junk mailbox for new messages caught by a server filter, and there are options in the script to move certain colors of messages directly to the trash.
Hi Michael_Tsai,
I am not getting the results I wanted.
Some messages are not colored, but some are from Spamsieve and still remain in Junk folder.
I wanted to auto delete these.
Maybe this is a bad idea, just tired of getting the same spam and having to deal with it.
That handles the messages that arrive in your inbox. To handle the ones that arrive in your Junk mailbox, you would need to edit the Rescue Good Messages script, changing:
The script only processes new messages. So old messages that were already colored (but not moved) by the previous version of the script will not be processed again. You would have to delete those manually.