SpamSieve 3.0.6b4 Public Beta

Here’s a new beta version of SpamSieve. The changes are:

  • Worked around a bug in macOS 15 where sometimes the system help viewer wouldn’t open to the right help page. SpamSieve will instead open help files in the user’s Web browser.
  • Fixed an issue where SpamSieve could get confused if you corrected a mistake but the mail server had changed the message data in between the prediction and the training.
  • Updated the Korean and French localizations.

If you have not installed a beta version of SpamSieve before, first click here to enter the beta key. Thereafter, you can just launch SpamSieve or choose Software Update from the SpamSieve menu to auto-install the beta. SpamSieve will also notify you about future betas automatically. You can click here to stop receiving in-app notifications of beta versions.

Previously: Beta 3.