Hi all,
I am getting the same kind of spam between 20 and 30 times a day, stuff that is so obviously spam that one deletes it without thinking. However, SpamSieve does not catch this, and looking into the log I now see that the elements of those emails get whitelisted automatically. This does not change, although I always marked those emails as spam.
SpamSieve works well in all instances, except these emails go past it filters like crazy.
The emails change sender and other information, but they’re always “Your document #767236”, “Your invoice #2347676” (numbers changing, of course), a one-liner urging to open the document, and then some executable file attached. It stuns me that something that emails that similar are not caught. A bug? A sneaky trick by spammers?
Mac OS X 10.10.5, MailMate 1.9.4.
Please see the log entries of four consecutive spam emails attached.
Thanks, Hans
Predicted: Good (44)
Subject: Payment #39726
From: Bobbie06@7895.com
Identifier: /o0vR48uNl+/962Gu4QpWg==
Reason: P(spam)=0.885[0.871], bias=0.000, F:Price(0.999), F:Bobbie(0.172), support(0.229), ^fe-zip(0.749), ^fzmg-UEsDBA==(0.738), content-disposition:zip(0.736), dear(0.328), R:^hostik31^hostik^net(0.660), open(0.340), R:^hostik^net(0.659), ^fes-zip-14(0.633)
Date: 2016-09-15 09:10:11 -0400 (EDT)
Trained: Good (Auto)
Subject: Payment #39726
From: Bobbie06@7895.com
Identifier: /o0vR48uNl+/962Gu4QpWg==
Actions: added rule <From (address) Is Equal to "Bobbie06@7895.com"> to SpamSieve whitelist, added rule <From (name) Is Equal to "Bobbie Price"> to SpamSieve whitelist, added to Good corpus (3369)
Date: 2016-09-15 09:10:11 -0400 (EDT)
Predicted: Good (37)
Subject: Payment #39619
From: Terra72@6813.com
Identifier: YZ5eo64wixgWu01rcLLKNQ==
Reason: P(spam)=0.656[0.722], bias=0.000, support(0.229), R:^101(0.756), ^fe-zip(0.740), ^fzmg-UEsDBA==(0.730), content-disposition:zip(0.728), F:Murphy(0.712), dear(0.328), open(0.340), R:^hostik31^hostik^net(0.659), R:^hostik^net(0.659), ^fes-zip-14(0.608)
Date: 2016-09-15 09:10:11 -0400 (EDT)
Trained: Good (Auto)
Subject: Payment #39619
From: Terra72@6813.com
Identifier: YZ5eo64wixgWu01rcLLKNQ==
Actions: added rule <From (address) Is Equal to "Terra72@6813.com"> to SpamSieve whitelist, added rule <From (name) Is Equal to "Terra Murphy"> to SpamSieve whitelist, added to Good corpus (3370)
Date: 2016-09-15 09:10:11 -0400 (EDT)