SpamSieve could not find the favorite mailbox “Spam”.

I’m trying to use SpamSieve on Mavericks, although as of the most recent beta release, it became slow as slugs! I’m not sure if it’s the or SpamSieve, though, because a number of users on the Apple Discussion forums mentioned beach balls without mentioning SpamSieve at all. Just to be on the safe side, I’m trying to delete a lot of emails from my various accounts, and I removed one of my most clogged email accounts from the until I can pinpoint the problem. In the meantime, I want to make sure SpamSieve IS working properly.

Whenever I “train as spam,” I get this message: “SpamSieve could not find the favorite mailbox “Spam”.” and I should drag this Spam folder up to my (showing) Favorites bar. But, my folders aren’t called “Spam,” they’re called “Junk”! How do I edit the name SpamSieve is looking for so it properly trains things?

The slowness moving a spam message to the Spam mailbox is due to Mavericks, not SpamSieve.

You are using a beta version of SpamSieve, which includes a workaround to speed up moving the messages. Currently, this requires that you create/use a mailbox called Spam, but there will be more options in the future.

This is addressed in SpamSieve 2.9.12.

Still existing

Hi Michael,

this problem still exists in 2-9-13b1. To me it looks like a problem with localized Mail installations. In my case, Spamsieve claims not to find the INBOX in the favorites bar. Since my system is running with german localization, the inbox is called “Eingang”, and is located in the favorites bar (called “Favoritenleiste”). I add a screenshot of the error to this post.

Please report issues with beta versions of SpamSieve via e-mail, not in the forum.

The problem you are reporting is not related to the “Train as Spam” issue that I said was addressed. GUI scripting for “Train as Good” is not a documented feature of the release version of SpamSieve, in fact because of this known issue with localized Mail installations. Hopefully, I will be able to find a solution and make this an official feature in a future version of SpamSieve.

Sorry for that. Won’t happen again.



This should work automatically in SpamSieve 2.9.13.