SpamSieve helper

Mac Sonoma 14.5

My home directory is on an external drive for the login that runs SpamSieve. The login can read/write/delete in the home directory on that drive. Mail runs with no issues as far as I can tell. However the SpamSieve helper is getting the following incomplete message in the log:

0 SpamSieve: (MJTFoundation) [com.c-command.SpamSieve:MJTLogger] from working in Apple Mail. To fix this, Get Info on the volume that contains your home folder. Expand the “Sharing & Permissions

and when I start SpamSieve, under Settings->Apple Mail->Setup, I see an error message “Check the setup to make sure inbox messages can be filtered”.

So far have not found any information about this error in the FAQ and installation instructions. SpamSieve is set for “Full Disk Access” and “Automation” is turned on for Mail. The home directory on the external drive and every file below that has been “chmod -R user:group *” and I can log into the user and read/write/delete files in the home directory.

What am I missing? What is the rest of the message in the log?



You can always find full error information in SpamSieve’s log file, which is accessible via the Open Error Log command in the Help menu. In this case, the error message is probably:

Your home folder is on a volume that has file ownership disabled.

This will prevent the OS from running SpamSieve’s launch agent, which will prevent training from working in Apple Mail. To fix this, Get Info on the volume that contains your home folder. Expand the “Sharing & Permissions” section of the window. If necessary, click the lock icon to allow changes. Then make sure that “Ignore ownership on this volume” is unchecked. This is the opposite of the procedure described here.

When using the Mail extension setup (vs. the plug-in), this will not actually prevent training from working, but it will prevent macOS from auto-launching SpamSieve when Mail or Outlook launches.

Thank you Michael. I must have accidentally turned that on at some point. (I had to restore my OS so anything is possible I suppose). Made sure it was off and logged out, then logged back in and those messages are gone.

