I’m using macOS 13.5.2, SpamSieve 2.9.52 and Apple Mail. I had no previous SpamSieve rules. I just started the process of separating spam messages by color. When I added the SpamSieve [Score] rule exactly like shown in the manual (with the exception that I chose Junk rather than All Junk as the move-to mailbox) it colored the messages in my inbox! What did I do wrong?
I believe I know why this is ahappening; it’s because SpamSieve does not yet have enough examples to determine that the colored ones are “good”.
Unless you only have one mail account, I really recommend choosing All Junk instead of Junk, because the latter can trigger a Mail bug that deletes messages instead of moving them.
When using color rules, you need to have multiple rules set up. The SpamSieve [Score] rule only colors the messages. Its actions are ignored. You would then have more rules below that, e.g. SpamSieve [Blue] and SpamSieve [Spam]. Those are the ones that actually move the messages.
Thanks. If a message arrives in SpamSieve [Blue] for example, and it is spam, what should I do? Tain it as spam?
If it’s correctly recognized as spam, it does not need to be trained.