I was completely happy with SpamSieve UNTIL it came time for updates. I suffered through one or two, but the last one was too much, so I cancelled my subscription.
Let me restate that.I loved SpamSieve, but it was just too damned difficult to install the updates, so I sadly decided to get a replacement.
You deserved an explanation. Now I feel better.
(2/13/25; 6:07 AM)
Thanks for writing, but I’m mystified by this message:
There is no SpamSieve subscription, so there’s nothing to cancel. The last paid upgrade was in 2023, and it looks like you did not purchase that. (You wrote at the time, “I don’t want to pay more.”) So I don’t know which updates you are referring to that were “too much.” Do you mean in 2023 or prior?
You e-mailed in September of 2023 that you were successfully using the beta of SpamSieve 3. So the big update was already done. Or did you go back to SpamSieve 2?
Since you purchased SpamSieve in 2018, we have no record of your asking for help installing an update. We have not received feedback from anyone about problems with the updater. It should be fully automatic: SpamSieve tells you there’s an update, you click the Downlad & Install button, and it updates. Did you do this, and if so, what happened?
Are you sure you are posting about the correct app? I have been using both Spam Sieve and EagleFiler for many many years, and never had to subscribe to any of them.
Or do you mean that you had to purchase an upgrade from v 2 to v 3? That’s not strange, is it? After all Michael puts in a lot of work on this, why shouldn’t he be paid when he releases a new version? If you can’t see the fairness in this, then why not try to build your own app?