Spark As My Default Mail App On iMac. iPhone 6 & iPad Air

Using SpamSieve with Apple Mail on my iMac Sierra, iPhone 6 & iPad Air. I plan to make Spark my default Mail app on all these devices. Will SpamSieve work on these devices? Can’t find a comprehensive source to help me make the transition. Any suggestions?

No, Spark for Mac is not compatible with SpamSieve. The supported mail programs are listed here. However, the mail syncs, so Apple Mail on the Mac can run SpamSieve and clean the spam out of Spark on the iOS devices.

I’m finding that even while running SpamSieve on Mac my iPhone Spark app seems to be preventing SpamSieve from sorting out Spams and they are being left in the Inbox. Any ideas about this ?

You need to avoid marking the messages as read on the iPhone if you want Mail on the Mac to see them as new and apply the rules to them.

Ok, that makes sense. Yes, it was just some of them, now and then. I’m not sure I like Spark that much anyway but if you were to integrate that would change things … thanks.