I’m trying to create a stationery item that’s simlply a single folder from today’s date. I don’t want to have any files inside when the folder is created. This folder (empty) in the stationery folder is called “Today Folder” and there’s an applescript next to it called “Today Folder.efmeta.scpt” with the following content:
on metadata(_context)
set _base to do shell script "date '+%Y%m%d'"
set _title to _base
set _systemInfo to system info
set _from to long user name of _systemInfo
return {title:_title, basename:_base, |fromName|:_from}
end metadata
The folder is created correctly with the specified date (from whatever day is today), but there’s always a window that comes to the front and asks for the title of the new file to be created inside “Records”. Whatever I specify here however seems to be ignored, that is, whatever I write for the title of the new file (that I don’t want to have in the first place), nothing happens.
Is it possible to bypass this window and immediatly create an empty folder from today’s date?
If you have the File column shown in the records list, EagleFiler won’t ask you for a name when you invoke the stationery.
I do have the File column (together with Tags, Icon, Title, Date Modified, Container and Notes) shown in the Records list, but the window still shows up asking for the title of the new file.
Perhaps your setting for the AlwaysShowNewRecordSheetesoteric preference got changed. You can click here to make sure it’s not set to always show the sheet.