Is there a keyboard shortcut to quickly switch between Anywhere and Filename or back again in the Search box?
There is not, although that sounds like a good idea to add in a future version. Currently, you could probably add a shortcut using AppleScript GUI scripting or a utility such as Keyboard Maestro.
I can try to use KM’s ability to click on specific areas of the screen but that seems so fragile.
I used Keyboard Maestro to assign F11 to “Select Anywhere in the EagleFiler Search Box” and F12 to “Select Filename in the EagleFiler Search Box”.
These macros “Activate EagleFiler” and then I turned on Keyboard Maestro’s “Record” function and moused around to select either Anywhere or Filename. It is not pretty or elegant but it seems to work!
Glad you got it to work. I thought there might be a way to address the button by accessibility number, but I’m not sure whether Keyboard Maestro can do that, or it would need AppleScript.
I’ll have to dust off my AppleScript book and give that a try for a more elegant solution!