Tag Filter?

If not using Smart Folders, you can command click one or more tags to filter the search results.

Are there any plans to lose or augment this process in favor of a tag filter approach?

I’m not sure what “tag filter” refers to.


In the image above, the two tags were added by simply clicking (without Command) tags on a tag list.

If you’d like to delete a tag, hover over it and an ‘x’ will appear allowing you to delete it.


This is nice way of building/editing a tag filter set.

There are currently no plans to add this sort of interface. However, you can do much the same thing by typing tag names in the search field, and other tag-searching enhancements are planned.

I hope you reconsider adding that feature.
Thanks, John

What I meant is that I’m not planning to add the feature with the sort of interface in your screenshot. However, I have other ideas for how to provide this type of functionality. It may turn out that you like your idea better, but I think it’s a bit premature to ask me to reconsider when you don’t know what I’m planning to do. I do agree about the importance of simple clicking to add and remove tags. If there are other specific elements that are important to you, please let me know.