Tagging/filing on import

Is it possible to automatically tag and/or file a record upon import?

For example, if I import “my time sheet.ppt”, can I automatically tag it as “presentation” and file it to the “Time Sheets” folder in the library?

There are several ways to do this:

  • You can drag and drop the file onto a tag to import it and assign that tag.
  • You can drag and drop the file onto a folder to import it into that folder.
  • You can hold down the Option key when dragging and dropping onto Records or the Dock icon to set the tags and destination folder for the import.
  • If you have the file selected in Finder, you can press the Capture with options key or use the EagleFiler: Import With Options service to set the tags and destination folder for the import.
  • You could write an AppleScript that always imports into a certain folder and adds certain tags, save it as a droplet, and then drag and drop files onto the droplet to import them.
  • You could make smart folder and set the destination folder and tags in its action. Then, after importing files, you could find them Recently Added and drag them onto the smart folder to apply its action.
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