To Import and Label

Hello, I am using To Import as a means to bring files into EagleFiler. By default, it will tag it as Unread and I am using this page - there is a command to remove this default.

For files with tag and color that was assigned in Finder, EagleFiler imported the tag but not color. I believe there is a documentation stating that the color is not synced with Finder.

However, I notice that EagleFiler defaults to Gray label after importing. How can I stop it from defaulting to Gray label? Keep it “None”.

Thank you.

The label color is already part of the file, and EagleFiler is just displaying what’s there. It sounds like you are importing a file that has multiple tags, one of which is gray. If that’s the last one that you assigned, that’s probably the label color that Finder has set. Depending on what you are trying to do, you could go to Finder’s settings and adjust the colors of the tags. This would probably not affect existing files, but it would affect future ones that you tag.

Another option would be to import with options, e.g. capturing or holding down the Option key when you drag and drop into EagleFiler, and then you can override the label color.

Finder didn’t show the files as Gray though. That’s the first thing I check. These files are created from Canon Scanner. Once I scanned a receipt and clicked Save, it goes directly to “To Import” folder. It’s good to get your confirmation. I’ll perhaps have to try and filter Finder by Gray and see if it turns out. Sometimes the tag could be hidden from the normal List view. Thank you, Michael.