Attempting to clean up junk processing. Reading the documentation it states:
Resetting SpamSieve
Not correcting all the mistakes will cause SpamSieve to learn incorrect information, which will reduce the filtering accuracy.
To fix this, you can go through the Log window, starting at the bottom. If you see any spam messages that say Predicted: Good in green, train them as spam. Then SpamSieve will know that you didn’t intend for it to treat them as good. If you see any good messages that say Predicted: Spam in green, train them as good. It is only possible to train messages in this way if they were received in the last 30 days (or whatever you had set the Prune full message data in log option to). If there are older messages that you need to correct, or if there are too many for you to go through, you can also fix this by resetting all of of SpamSieve’s training:
When I look through the log and find Predicted:Good and click in the entry, the “Train as Spam” is dimmed.
Anyone know what I’m doing wrong?