“Train as Spam” Not Working

Hi Michael
New issue.
“Training” the message as spam is not working.
I see the message in the log, marked as “Good”. However, doing the usual i.e. Message -> SpamSieve -> train as Spam leaves the message in the inbox, and does not change the log.
Any suggestions?

More Details.Log

Predicted: Good (20)
Subject: Do You Need A Loan? If Yes Contact Us At: [email]morgagehome@outlook.com[/email]
From: [email]Eva.Fisher@frontrange.edu[/email]
Identifier: ZVVA62v4IhAzZ5N6RABPzw==
Reason: P(spam)=0.008[0.350], bias=0.000, TT:You(0.001), S:Yes(0.005), MT:MSHTML6.00.2900.2180(0.005), TT:Need(0.995), TT:Contact(0.995), ^no-recipient(0.869), R:^76^96^62^92(0.797), C:0px(0.243), C:0px(0.243), U:^scheme-mailto(0.268), U:^@-mailto(0.269), ^fg-000000(0.271), via(0.276), via(0.276), MT:iso-8859-1(0.287)
Date: 2013-11-12 14:32:50 +0000
Trained: Good (Auto)
Subject: Do You Need A Loan? If Yes Contact Us At: [email]morgagehome@outlook.com[/email]
Identifier: ZVVA62v4IhAzZ5N6RABPzw==
Actions: added rule <From (address) Is Equal to "Eva.Fisher@frontrange.edu"> to SpamSieve whitelist, added rule <From (name) Is Equal to "Fisher, Eva"> to SpamSieve whitelist
Date: 2013-11-12 14:32:50 +0000

Do you see any errors in the Console?

Does “Train as Good” (on actual good messages) work?

Hi Michael
No errors reported in the console.

I see what you are asking.
NO…Train as good on a “Spam” message does not appear to be working either

You are choosing the commands from the menu, right (not using keyboard shortcuts)?

You can click these two links (AppleMailScriptDebug and AppleMailDebugLog) to turn on some logging so that we can see what’s happening here. After clicking the links, restart SpamSieve and then Apple Mail.

If you need to turn off the logging, click these links: AppleMailScriptDebug, AppleMailDebugLog.


Yes…that is correct

I still see no changes either way with messages: Good –> Spam and vice-versa. I know its frustrating for users to say…“it’s not working”, but in this case, there has clearly been a change in Mavericks from the usual reliable SpamSieve.

You’re not seeing logging in the Console after clicking the links?

I need more of a clue as to what you are wanting/expecting me to see.

I see no difference in the logging messages i.e. the logged messages seem the same before and after I have click your links ( and received confirmation via an alert that the changes to the logging messages have been implemented.

If the logging is active, you should see a dialog box in Apple Mail if Mail or AppleScript reports an error while training a message.

In the All Messages log in Console, you should see log entries from Mail (SpamSieve Mail Plug-In) at launch and every time an incoming message is processed or you train a message. You should also see log entries from SpamSieveLaunchAgent each time it receives a training command from the plug-in.

The logging from Mail is controlled by this property list file:


So the AppleMailDebugLog entry should say YES after clicking the links and restarting SpamSieve.

Also, unrelated to the logging, if Mail is running you should see a SpamSieveLaunchAgent process in Activity Monitor.

Like this?
11/12/13 12:53:06.427 PM Mail[62429]: SpamSieve Mail Plug-In: [SpamSieve] Asking SpamSieve to score message: The radical Paul Ryan
11/12/13 12:53:06.428 PM Mail[62429]: SpamSieve Mail Plug-In: Sending request of length 23909 to
11/12/13 12:53:06.459 PM Mail[62429]: SpamSieve Mail Plug-In: Received response for command score: {
score = 1;
11/12/13 12:53:06.459 PM Mail[62429]: SpamSieve Mail Plug-In: [SpamSieve] Received score of 1 for message: The radical Paul Ryan
11/12/13 12:53:06.572 PM Mail[62429]: SpamSieve Mail Plug-In: [SpamSieve] Asking SpamSieve to score message: Reply to thread ‘“Train as Spam” Not Working’
11/12/13 12:53:06.574 PM Mail[62429]: SpamSieve Mail Plug-In: Sending request of length 3908 to
11/12/13 12:53:06.584 PM Mail[62429]: SpamSieve Mail Plug-In: Received response for command score: {
score = 1;
11/12/13 12:53:06.584 PM Mail[62429]: SpamSieve Mail Plug-In: [SpamSieve] Received score of 1 for message: Reply to thread ‘“Train as Spam” Not Working’

OK…so I went to my Spam filter and marked a message as good…here is the response

11/12/13 12:59:39.126 PM Mail[62429]: SpamSieve Mail Plug-In: Sending request of length 0 to
11/12/13 12:59:39.128 PM Mail[62429]: SpamSieve Mail Plug-In: Received response for command apple-mail/train/good: {
succeeded = 1;

But…messages stays just where it is, i.e. in the Spam folder i.e. it does not do what it once did, immediately appear in my “inbox”

Yes, but are there any log entries from SpamSieveLaunchAgent? And do you see that process in Activity Monitor?

Does the “SpamSieve - Change Settings” command do anything?

No … to both those questions.

Does the “SpamSieve - Change Settings” command do anything?

I do not see “SpamSieve - Change Settings” in any of the menu items.

That’s odd since, if it’s not running, the Apple Mail plug-in is supposed to notice that and log an error. In any event, please choose Install Apple Mail Plug-In from the SpamSieve menu and make sure that the launch agent is running.

It’s in Apple Mail’s Message menu.

11/12/13 8:02:50.563 PM Mail[64861]: SpamSieve Mail Plug-In: SpamSieveLaunchAgent is not running. It may be necessary to re-install SpamSieve’s Apple Mail plug-in or restart your Mac.
11/12/13 8:02:50.564 PM Mail[64861]: SpamSieve Mail Plug-In: Launching via launch agent failed.

Turns out that it needed a reboot…something new for Mavericks.