Following up from the thread about setting up my home computer as the drone.
I have trained my work computer a bit and am getting a lot less spam. I am deleting all my old spam emails as far as possible and will archive the rest once I get a hang of the EagleFiler.
So my question at this stage is given that I will have to set up the SpamSieve from scratch on my home computer is it better to train it from scratch as a drone computer or import the training from my work computer?
Here are my work computer stats?
Filtered Mail
0 Good Messages
0 Spam Messages
0 Spam Messages Per Day
SpamSieve Accuracy
0 False Positives
0 False Negatives
0.0% Correct
583 Good Messages
876 Spam Messages (60%)
130,295 Total Words
239 Blocklist Rules
2,744 Whitelist Rules
Showing Statistics Since
17/12/2013 12:07