Uninstall Due to Apple Mail Problem

Ever aince the last update to Spamsieve, Apple mail has not worked. I am tired of trying to get Apple Mail working again. How do I de-install spam sieve. I am looking for a simple fix. I will never use spam sieve again. The explanations given on here are entirely too tecknical. I would rather put up with spam than a non working Apple Mail. Count me as a unhappy former customer. Made even worrse by having to put up with WEB based mail.

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We’re not received other reports of problems with the last update, so it’s not clear what’s happening here. There is probably a simple fix if you can explain what problem you’re seeing and use the Save Diagnostic Report command in the Help menu and send me the report file, as described here. Or, there are instructions to uninstall.

I don’t know if I was one update behind but about two weeks ago (around May 23 2024, roughly) Apple Mail began crashing after I had made changes to rules for a mailbox. I used App Cleaner & Uninstaller to remove all traces of SpamSieve and subsequently downloaded the current version. I still had my registration info so it wasn’t too traumatic :). My Rules were not deleted as they are created by Mail. It’s only been a few days but no further crashing and it all seems to be OK. SpamSieve also seems to be doing a better job of automatically filtering. SS is set to auto update so I don’t think that was the issue but something was off. A reinstall might just be the ticket for you and a program like App Cleaner will find most if not all the little bits that aren’t obvious.

I did not hear back from you, so hopefully you were able to figure it out yourself.