Upgrade to 3.0 instructions don't work

It says open span sieve, select apple mail and then got to settings. But the apple mail window is blank so there is nothing to select so I could not finish setting up Spam Sieve.

The setup is way to complicated with so many steps. I have no way of knowing if it works or not.

Please someone help me.

The instructions are here. Were you able to complete Step 1?

It sounds like the problem is with Step 2. If the SpamSieve Settings window is blank, that seems to be caused by a bug in macOS 14, and it should resolve if you restart your Mac.

i am on mac os 13.4.1

I still recommend restarting if the Settings window is blank. If that doesn’t help, please use the Save Diagnostic Report command in the Help menu and send me the report file, as described here.