View an attachment inline, or as an icon?

I’m considering moving from Evernote to EagleFiler, but before I make the jump, I would appreciate advise on the following:

Is it possible to have all (or some) attachments in a record show as icons, rather than inline? Unless I have missed a setting somewhere, EagleFiler shows all recognised file formats (e.g. PDF) inline, whereas “unknown” file formats are shown as icons. (By comparison, Evernote lets you right click on an individual attachment, and choose between the two options.)


Currently, this is not configurable at the individual attachment level, but you can choose to use the Plain Text or Rich Text view, which would just show the names of PDF files. If you double-click to open the message in Mail, you can see the messages in different ways there. What’s your goal here? To focus on the text of the message? I expect future versions of EagleFiler will provide more control over displaying and extracting attachments.

Thanks for the swift follow-up - much appreciated!

Yes, focus on the text of the message would be the main reason for the display option I’m looking for. It is perhaps even more relevant for notes imported from Evernote than for emails, as my Evernote notes typically will have a text intro/description, followed by attached documents (displaying as icons, and not inline), and then more text.


Seems like it would be easier and more useful to have a view option to make everything display as icons, rather than Control-Clicking them individually. Or is there a reason that you want individual control?

Flexibility would be nice, but the option to make everything display as icons (by default) would certainly work!
