How do I see what emails have been rejected as spam, to make sure there are no false negatives?
The “junk” folder is completely empty, but hundreds of email are getting correctly rejected. I just don’t know where to see them.
Which mail program are you using? With Apple Mail, SpamSieve puts the spam in the Spam mailbox that you created in Step 2 and selected in the Apple Mail rule. No messages are rejected or deleted, just moved to the Spam mailbox.
My Spam file is totally empty.
My Spam file is totally empty. Is there something that missed in setup?
If you follow all the steps, the Spam mailbox should at least have the messages that you manually trained as spam. You can check SpamSieve’s log to see whether it is filtering any messages.
thank you!
Yes, the were all there, including one from an airline I am flying on tomorrow, on my reservation. Which I tagged as good mail.
Good. It’s always important, but especially when starting out, to correct all the mistakes by training good messages in the Spam mailbox as good and spam messages in the inbox as spam. The more promptly you can do this the better. Otherwise, SpamSieve will assume that it was right about those messages and make further classifications based on incorrect information.