Welcome to Discourse

This new Discourse forum has a more modern design and feature set. We’ve transferred all the posts and user accounts from the old vBulletin-based forum.


  • The basics are described in the new user guide.

  • Posts can now be written in either Markdown, HTML, or BBCode.

  • If you receive an e-mail notification of a new post, you can post a response simply by replying to the e-mail.

  • You can optionally read the forum via e-mail by checking the Enable mailing list mode box in your user account preferences.

  • There’s a mobile version of the site and an iOS app (and also an unofficial iOS app).

  • To print an entire thread, save it as a PDF, or import it into EagleFiler, press Command-P (rather than using the File ‣ Print… menu command). This will create a special print-optimized version of the page that loads all the posts.

  • When posting a log excerpt or a snippet of AppleScript or a shell script, format it as a code block. This will ensure that punctuation that Markdown uses for formatting doesn’t get altered. You can use the Preformatted Text toolbar button, which will indent the code or GitHub-style fenced code blocks, which don’t require indentation.

  • When posting an AppleScript code block, we recommend using the Edit ‣ Paste and Match Style command rather than Paste. Otherwise, the forum will insert ** markup for the bold keywords, which doesn’t work inside Markdown code blocks.

Code Block Examples

You can enter the language (e.g. bash) with a fenced code block:

# Install the dropdmg command-line tool
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin/
sudo ln -s "$F/Versions/A/dropdmg" /usr/local/bin/dropdmg

to tell highlight.js how to highlight the code:

# Install the dropdmg command-line tool
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin/
sudo ln -s "$F/Versions/A/dropdmg" /usr/local/bin/dropdmg

Here’s an AppleScript example:

-- Script to change the From of the selected records.
tell application "EagleFiler"
	display dialog "Enter new From:" default answer ""
	set _newFrom to text returned of the result
	set _records to selected records of browser window 1
	repeat with _record in _records
		set _record's from name to _newFrom
	end repeat
end tell
-- Script to change the From of the selected records.
tell application "EagleFiler"
	display dialog "Enter new From:" default answer ""
	set _newFrom to text returned of the result
	set _records to selected records of browser window 1
	repeat with _record in _records
		set _record's from name to _newFrom
	end repeat
end tell

If you don’t enter a language, it will try to guess. You can use the text language to turn off highlighting, e.g. for a log excerpt that should not be highlighted.