When I click on File → Import ENEX file, nothing happens

EagleFiler 1.9.1b1 fixes the problem with the “Import ENEX File…” file open panel not coming up.

Are you saying that you have a particular .enex file that imports with a folder structure in DEVONthink but not in EagleFiler? Or are you using different import methods with the different apps? My guess is that the answer is the latter. From what I can see, Evernote does not put the notebook names into the .enex file. I will look into whether there’s another way for EagleFiler to preserve this.

Thank you for the new version !

With EF, I directly import the .enex which does not contain the folder structure. With Devon, the process is not transparent.

The procedure is as per snapshot below.

  1. I do hope you find a solution because not having groups is a big pain.

  2. there is another particularity with Evernote that I wanted to discuss. In EN all PDF files are OCR’d when imported BUT the text information is stored on the EN servers and not present in the .enex files nor during the DevonThink import. To palliate this and allow users to search for text within PDFs, DevonThink has an OCR on demand or upon import. How do you handle PDFs in Evernote ? How do you address this OCR problem ?

thanks again very much

addendum: I don’t think that the Evernote → DevonThink script is proprietary. Just something public taken from Github but I am just guessing.

and some discussion here

EagleFiler already has a way to import the selected notes from Evernote by pressing the capture key. Right now that imports them all into a single folder, but I should be able to make it put them in separate folders based on the name of the notebook.

If there are multiple PDFs in the same note, EagleFiler will give you an RTFD file (containing the note’s text) with the PDF files embedded as attachments. If the note is a single PDF file, EagleFiler will import it as a PDF file. From what I’ve seen, the OCR text is included in the export from Evernote, but it’s not part of the PDF file—it’s a separate stream of text. EagleFiler puts this in the PDF record’s note. That way it’s associated with the record, so that if you search for any of the OCR’d text, the PDF record will come up.

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I’ve added this in EagleFiler 1.9.1b2.

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great ! thank you

It’s a beta version which you do not recommend as a substitute. When will the “official” version come out with the changes in Evernote import implemented.

Thank you Michael

I don’t recommend running the macOS beta. The EagleFiler beta is a maintenance update and should be safe.

Probably tomorrow or early next week, but it would be helpful if you could try it first so that if there are any issues with that feature they can be corrected.

I tested the Evernote import with the new beta version. I started with a blank library. The import does not work. I assumed that for each Evernote notebook I would find an EagleFiler folder, but the end result is a mishmash of many missing notebooks, many newly created EagleFiler folders which do not correspond to any notebook, and some folders which correspond to notebooks but for which EagleFiler changed the name. Example: my EN Contacts notebook is called & in EF.

Hello Michael, I installed the beta version which I now regret. How can I revert back to the official version, the one that imports Evernote notes in bulk in one folder ? thanks

I’m sorry to hear that. It’s not clear why that would be happening, so it would be helpful if you could send some screenshots (via private message) showing what you had selected in Evernote when you started the capture and what you ended up with in EagleFiler. Is there a small example of selecting 2 notes where you end up with a missing folder or the wrong name?

You can download the release version here.

I made a mistake. I was looking at the tags. If I hide the tags, I don’t see any groups (=notebooks). The import process created one group called My Notes which contains all my notes. How do I make the groups visible ? thank you

If they were imported, they would already be visible as sibling folders to My Notes. When you select the notes under All Notes in Evernote, and then capture, EagleFiler should create one folder for each distinct name in the Notebook column.

OK I will retry. thank you

EN → All Notes → selct a few → capture
EagleFiler generates the notebooks as folders which is good.
Problem: Multiple Folders are empty in EagleFiler, but contains notes in Evernote. Some contain the appropriate notes.

Do you perhaps have the EagleFiler preferences set not to allow duplicate files? That could cause a folder to be empty.

Otherwise, please try to find a small selection of notes that don’t import properly and see whether exporting them as a .enex file and importing that into EagleFiler produces a different result.

Results of my testing:
Pref: set to allow for duplicates
1- initial import exex files: the notes are there and the containers were created but the containers are empty and the notes are simply in the library unassigned to a container
2- if I click on the few of the problematic notes, press the capture key, same result as -1-
3- if I export those notes to enex → import into EagleFiler, something strange happens: a new container is created. The name of that container is the name of the .enex export file (?!) and contains the problematic notes - nothing to do with the notebooks.

Are these perhaps notebooks that only had one note each? I think I see what might be causing this and will fix it in the next beta.

That’s the expected behavior since the .enex file does not include the notebook names.

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no, for example:

  • one contains 78 notes and the other 15 notes
  • when I did the capture, I capture only one note of each