When I click on File → Import ENEX file, nothing happens

Hello Michael, I installed the beta version which I now regret. How can I revert back to the official version, the one that imports Evernote notes in bulk in one folder ? thanks

I’m sorry to hear that. It’s not clear why that would be happening, so it would be helpful if you could send some screenshots (via private message) showing what you had selected in Evernote when you started the capture and what you ended up with in EagleFiler. Is there a small example of selecting 2 notes where you end up with a missing folder or the wrong name?

You can download the release version here.

I made a mistake. I was looking at the tags. If I hide the tags, I don’t see any groups (=notebooks). The import process created one group called My Notes which contains all my notes. How do I make the groups visible ? thank you

If they were imported, they would already be visible as sibling folders to My Notes. When you select the notes under All Notes in Evernote, and then capture, EagleFiler should create one folder for each distinct name in the Notebook column.

OK I will retry. thank you

EN → All Notes → selct a few → capture
EagleFiler generates the notebooks as folders which is good.
Problem: Multiple Folders are empty in EagleFiler, but contains notes in Evernote. Some contain the appropriate notes.

Do you perhaps have the EagleFiler preferences set not to allow duplicate files? That could cause a folder to be empty.

Otherwise, please try to find a small selection of notes that don’t import properly and see whether exporting them as a .enex file and importing that into EagleFiler produces a different result.

Results of my testing:
Pref: set to allow for duplicates
1- initial import exex files: the notes are there and the containers were created but the containers are empty and the notes are simply in the library unassigned to a container
2- if I click on the few of the problematic notes, press the capture key, same result as -1-
3- if I export those notes to enex → import into EagleFiler, something strange happens: a new container is created. The name of that container is the name of the .enex export file (?!) and contains the problematic notes - nothing to do with the notebooks.

Are these perhaps notebooks that only had one note each? I think I see what might be causing this and will fix it in the next beta.

That’s the expected behavior since the .enex file does not include the notebook names.

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no, for example:

  • one contains 78 notes and the other 15 notes
  • when I did the capture, I capture only one note of each

That’s what I mean. I think the bug affects notebooks where only one note was captured.

ok. thanks. So there is still hope

The fix is now available in EagleFiler 1.9b4.

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great. thank you Michael.

repeated crashes. Freezes my Mac. Reboot, etc I deleted EF from my Mac

I’m sorry to hear that. It looks like you did not click the Send Report button in the built-in crash reporter window, so I don’t know why it crashed. I’ve not received any other feedback that b4 introduces any problems. If you send in the crash log file or record a sample of the hang I could investigate further.

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Thank you Michael. I’m sorry, life is too short. I had a similar problem with Apple Mail backup. The issue was never resolved, and I spent, once again, hours testing your app.
I have the highest respect for you and EagleFiler but please consider that I have a million things to do. I am not supposed to be the one troubleshooting EagleFiler.

It’s not just a question of Send Report. I know very well that if I send report, it will be followed by “could you just try this” “could you just try that” “test this new beta version” etc.

Fair enough. I thought you would be interested in a solution because you were running a beta version to test out a new feature that you had requested and said was urgent. If you no longer want to pursue this, that’s fine. The crash reporter also has a way to submit an anonymous report or to write a comment saying that you don’t want to be contacted.

it’s all good