Not sure why I feel strange asking this question, I think I’m not sure how to phrase it. i.e. Which app is most integrated with/ optimal/ superior, etc.
SpamSieve is great, it’s definitely a must-have for anyone who uses email these days (everyone). The main issue is, I have been struggling in a bit of a crisis ever since El Capitan came out. I run a business and have 40-50 email accounts active at a time.
Apple Mail was always the client I used, it’s the most integrated into the OS, it’s familiar, just used to the ecosystem. But for the past two years. Two Years every day, all day, 9 out of 10 times I launch Apple Mail it crashes. It either instantly crashes, or works for a minute, then crashes (not responding)
I have each mail account set up textbook, The right mail servers, the right ports, username and password correct… It’s kind of frustrating to try to run a business with email that fails constantly, and barely works.
I’ve tried AirMail (sp), Spark… They also crash.
The only app I haven’t tried is PostBox(sp). It advertises itself as a super powerful app on the same level as Photoshop. They say that. Whatever that means.
I’m on the High Sierra beta now, and it’s the first time in years my email is not crashing. it’s incredible. I have Apple Mail open now, and it’s working. And SpamSieve is setup, I had to update to a beta version of SpamSieve, but it works. And life is not horrible right now.
I just wonder about PostBox, it seems like it’s the absolute best email client in the universe for macOS. It’s earth shattering. But sadly there is no iOS version. Which is strange.
But how is SpamSieve’s integration with PostBox?
I guess the integration really doesn’t go that deep when I think about it. SpamSieve opens with Mail, and the two options - train as good/ train as spam are in a menu. Does SpamSieve do anything else? I mean it’s genius, brilliant, it brings full control over all email.
Basically, should I go and drop 40 dollars on PostBox now because it’s perfect, and SpamSieve works the most efficiently with that app. And I need to sleep.