Out of curiousity, how did you come up with the name EagleFiler?
EagleFiler is an application that I’d been wanting to write for many years, since before Mac OS X was released. In my head I had always called the project “packrat.” That was never intended to be the final name, plus the domain was taken, I didn’t think it had the right connotations, and I didn’t want a rat for an icon. However, it did give me the idea of using an animal. I thought it would be something different, more memorable, and more active than the many information management applications with similar names (e.g. “…note…”) and icons (e.g. a book). A bird of prey seemed liked a good choice to symbolize zeroing in on the information that you’re looking for quickly and accurately. And then I needed a word that fit with it and described what it was doing. “EagleFiler” seemed to be a combination that made sense and wasn’t too hard to pronounce.