Why is it indexing thousands of files?

I have been using EagleFiler for a little while, and everything was fine. I have a ton of emails in it that I added at the start, but now it’s two or three files a day.

However, today I was surprised to find my fan running for no good reason and EagleFiler planning to index 80’000 files over the next 7h. I wonder what’s going on…

Any idea? It’s not that I cannot let it run overnight - but…

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-21 um 19.43.18

Is it possible that the files were copied or synced from another drive or Mac? That can make EagleFiler think that they have been modified and need reindexing. It’s also possible that the index file is damaged, which can make indexing take much longer than normal (or never complete at all). For more information, please see the “Troubleshooting” section on this page.

Not really, as far as I can tell this started out of the blue.

I’ll look into the troubleshooting page - my main concern was that this was something that might occur every few weeks or so…