Wife doesn't receive email sent to herself

My wife uses SpamSieve 2.9.52 and Apple Mail. Recently she sent an email to herself but never received it. To try to understand what’s going on I went to here computer and sent a new message to herself and again it was not received. I looked in the Spamsieve log and I found this.

Predicted: Spam (99)
Subject: Test
From: [HerName@gmail.com](mailto:HerName@gmail.com)
Identifier: lJpiXoLHq6MQ3VBZkmENRg==
Reason: (
"Her Name"
) matched rule <From (name) Is Equal to "Her Name"> in SpamSieve blocklist
Date: 2024-11-21 16:02:17 -0800 (PST)

Is there some way to edit the blocklist?

If her name is on the blocklist, she must have trained a message from that name as spam. There’s no need to edit the blocklist. You can just find the message in the Junk mailbox and train it as good.

It’s not in Junk or any mailbox including spam99.

It sounds like there’s a second problem—either Mail lost the message when moving it or something else moved/deleted it afterwards. If you expected it to go to Spam99, is that mailbox on a mail server? Same or different server than the inbox for that account? Or On My Mac?

With SpamSieve 3, you could go to SpamSieve’s Log window, both to view the missing message and to train it. With SpamSieve 2, if you don’t have access to the message, you could open the Blocklist window, search for the rule in question, and uncheck the box to disable it.

I only mentioned Spam99 because the blocklist text shows “Predicted: Spam (99)”. Spam99 and 5 other Spamxx are on her mac.

Since the message isn’t in Junk is there some way to edit/remove that rule?

I recommend that your Mail rules only move messages to other mailboxes that are on the same server. I don’t know whether it’s what happened here, but Mail sometimes loses messages when moving them cross-account.

Are you asking about a rule in Mail or in SpamSieve?

When I said “rule”, I meant the “rule” in the blocklist picture that I posted above… What’s a better name for that? And I’m talking about SpamSieve 2.

“Rule” is the proper name. It’s better to disable it, as described above, than to delete it.

The only description I see refers to SpamSieve 3; she’s using SpamSieve 2, so what can she do?

Problem solved! On her computer I quit SpamSieve 2, sent a message to her email address and that message appeared in her Inbox. I restarted SpamSieve 2, trained that message as Good and now new messages sent to herself are received.

It’s the same in both. You can use the menu command to open the Blocklist window, search for the rule, and uncheck it.