I’m interested in using Smart Folders to auto assign tag-sets. At this time, I’m required to add the file to Records and then drag the file to the appropriate Smart Folder, i.e., Add the file, find the file, drag the file. This can get a bit tedious.
Are there any planned work flow enhancements regarding the following:
A pop-out Drop Dock as an alternative to the Drop Pad?
Initial and direct Smart Folder file dropping both within EF and via a pop-out Drop Dock?
It’s planned to allow direct importing into smart folders, so that you could just do one drag and drop to import and apply the actions. You can achieve much the same thing today by creating an AppleScript droplet that imports the files, sets the tags, etc. There are various convenient ways of using droplets: the Finder toolbar, Dock, LaunchBar, etc.
Improvements to the Drop Pad are planned, although I don’t want to say at this point exactly what form they will take.
To use it as a folder action in the Finder you would need something like:
on open _files
my importFiles(_files)
end open
on adding folder items to _folder after receiving _files
my importFiles(_files)
end adding folder items to
on importFiles(_files)
tell application "EagleFiler"
tell library document 1
import files _files tag names {"foo", "bar"}
end tell
end tell
end importFiles