Running Sonoma 14.7.1 with SpamSieve 3.1 on an M3 MacBook Pro.
Going through the directions in the Topic “Quick Start to Keep SpamSieve Working With Apple Mail When Updating to macOS 14 Sonoma” I encounter the following AppleScript error when I choose “Select Mailboxes to Filter”.
{It reads: An AppleScript error occurred.
Mail encountered error -1712
(errAETimeout - the AppleEvent timed out ):
Mail got an error: AppleEvent timed out.
Perhaps there is an old AppleScript I added long ago in a prior version of SpamSieve that needs to be removed?
I am going through these steps because the option “Train as Good” does not move good messages out of the Junk folder. It used to work when I had “Enable spam filtering using Mail plug-in” selected. Since I switched to “Enable spam filtering using Mail extension” as recommended, this menu option has stopped working.