{It reads: An AppleScript error occurred.
Mail encountered error -1712
(errAETimeout - the AppleEvent timed out ):
Mail got an error: AppleEvent timed out.
Perhaps there is an old AppleScript I added long ago in a prior version of SpamSieve that needs to be removed?
I am going through these steps because the option “Train as Good” does not move good messages out of the Junk folder. It used to work when I had “Enable spam filtering using Mail plug-in” selected. Since I switched to “Enable spam filtering using Mail extension” as recommended, this menu option has stopped working.
Maybe, but this error is probably from the Select Mailboxes to Filter sheet itself, which uses AppleScript to read the list of mailboxes in Mail. It seems that Mail is overloaded or hung and not responding to requests from SpamSieve. It may help to restart your Mac.
The training menu commands work identically no matter which filtering mode (disable, extension, plug-in) is selected, so I think something else must have changed.
Or it could be the same problem as above. If Mail isn’t responding to AppleScript commands, it won’t be able to move the messages during training, either.
Does the Log window show that messages are being trained as good? Does it show errors related to training?
Thank you for the prompt reply! Restarting my Mac fixed both problems. I guess the old advice to reboot your computer (which had been running for a couple of weeks) still sometimes applies.