How to move to trash folder automatically?

I have Macbook Pro with Sequoia with Spamsieve 3.

On SpamSieve’s settings I have “Enable spam filtering using Mail extension” and "Check inboxes for new messages not sent to Mail extension.

In the Filtering section, I have the “Move it to the Trash if the spam score is at least 99 (blocklist)” checked.

In the Training section I have it selected to “Move it to the Trash mailbox” for spam messages.

Nothing moves it to the trash mailbox.

Rules are disabled, extension is enabled, and permissions have been granted in the Full Disk Access.

Also, when I start Apple Mail, the SpamSieve icon is grey, and I’ve done countless “Train as Good” & “Train as Spam” commands. Usually I select the emails and choose “Filter Messages” which will move most, but I spam moved automatically to the trash.

Does the Log window show that the messages in question are being Predicted: Spam with a score of 99? With a different score? Not Predicted: Spam at all?

When you train a message as spam and it doesn’t move to the Trash:

  1. Which mailbox was it in before you trained it?
  2. Which mailbox is it in after you trained it?

Which icon are you referring to here? Where do you see it?

I don’t understand what this means. Is a word missing? Normally, messages are automatically filtered when they arrive so you should not need use Filter Messages. What are you trying to do here?

1.) Log window says “Predicted: Spam (99)”.
2.) Usually it’s in my junk mail, or sometimes (rarer) in my inbox, I select “Train As Spam” or “Filter Messages” for the spam to move to the Trash - so before the train it’s in the Junk mailbox, and afterwards it goes to the Trash. I just don’t want to do this all the time.
3.) I’m referring to the icon at the top right, sometimes, when I train enough it’ll turn green.
4.) I see spam in my Inbox/Junk folder, I select SpamSieve at the top right of the screen, and then I choose “Filter Messages” (or Train As Spam) to get the email (regardless if it’s in the Inbox/Junk folder) to move to the Trash Folder, but I’d like to avoid doing this each time I get spam in Inbox/Junk mailboxes.

It sounds like you are training and refiltering messages that SpamSieve had already identified as spam. That is not recommend.

What is your goal here? Do you want every spam message to go to the Trash or only the ones that match the blocklist?

If training moved it to the Trash, why did you say that “Nothing moves it to the trash mailbox”?

The SpamSieve menu bar icon changes color while an operation initiated by the menu or a hotkey is in progress (blue when filtering messages, green when training as good, and brown when training as spam). I don’t think it should ever be gray.

This has nothing to do with the Trash.

Filter Messages is for messages that SpamSieve never even examined. You can tell because they have no Predicted: entry in the log. This is very rare, unless you just installed SpamSieve and have old messages that need filtering or if you had temporarily disabled SpamSieve or something.

You should not use Train as Spam on messages in Junk.

If you use Train as Spam on a message in the inbox it should move to Trash if you had selected that in the Settings.

I’m not sure what the difference is between every spam message or the ones that match the blocklist - I guess the ones that match the blocklist, but either seems fine.

My goal: Move spam (all/blocklist) automatically to the trash.

Nothing moves to the trash - automatically.

The ones that match the blocklist are ones that matched a specific rule that you created or a specific sender that you had trained as spam. This is a small fraction of messages that are the worst of the worst.

It seems like it was correctly trashing only the messages that matched the blocklist but that this isn’t what you actually wanted. If you want every spam message to go to Trash instead of Junk you should enable Move it to the Trash if the spam score is at least and set it to 50 (all spam) instead of 99 (blocklist).

I set it to 50 (all spam), but I still get spam in the Junk Folder.

When I select them (in the Junk Folder) and press “Train As Spam” it’ll move them to the Trash folder.

I also get this message in the log:

Prediction: SpamSieve had not previously seen this message. This could be because (a) you were doing an initial training, (b) you had marked the message as read on another device, (c) your mail program was not set up to filter all new messages through SpamSieve, or (d) a server filter had moved the message out of the inbox before it got to your Mac.

Corpus Change: Added message to Spam corpus (602 total)
Rule Change: Added blocklist rule (1,453 total):

Here’s my stats currently:

Filtered Mail
28 Good Messages
318 Spam Messages (92%)
1 Spam Messages Per Day

SpamSieve Accuracy
4 False Positives
7 False Negatives (64%)
96.8% Correct

196 Good Messages
602 Spam Messages (75%)
105,501 Total Words

323 Allowlist Rules
1,453 Blocklist Rules

Showing Statistics Since
8/31/24, 10:10 AM

I’m posting this just to make sure I’m on the right track.

Again, I recommend not training messages as spam if they were already automatically caught.

It sounds like you are probably in situation (d). The messages is in Junk because your mail provider’s spam filter moved it there, not because SpamSieve moved it to the wrong place. This is explained in the Move it to the Trash if the spam score is at least documentation.

Should I just delete them when they’re in the Junk folder?

Also, if it’s in the Junk folder, how do I know if it’s Apple Mail or SpamSieve’s doing?

Yes, or wait and have the Junk mailbox emptied automatically.

You can tell by the background color or by looking the Log window.

If that’s the case, then SpamSieve is recording the good emails, since the Log says “Trained: Good (Auto)” when a good email comes, but doesn’t seem to handle the spam, since the Junk folder keeps getting spam with nothing happening in the log window.

If your server filter is moving the messages to Junk before they get to your Mac, SpamSieve will not look at them unless you use the rescue setup.

Judging by the manual, since my older accounts use AOL, the filtering of those accounts can’t be stopped.

Seems like my only options are to use rules to help with SpamSieve or make an Apple Script to help with SpamSieve.

To be clear, you don’t have to make an AppleScript. You would just download this one and install it as described.

Got the script downloaded, put it in the correct location, and set the rule - it’s the only rule active.

When I opened Apple Mail, 2 spam emails caught by SpamSieve, over 40 that weren’t - and apply rules on Apple Mail didn’t work either.

Unclear exactly what you’re reporting here. Does SpamSieve’s log say it predicted those 40 messages as spam? Did you set the script to move some or all of the spam colors to the trash?

I would not expect applying the rules to do anything more.

The log revealed 2 spam messages and moved them, the 40+ spam messages were in the Junk folder with no mention in SpamSieve’s log.

In other words, the 40+ spam emails appeared to have been filtered before SpamSieve could filter them. [They were in the Junk folder, and I manually trained them as spam - which moved them to the Trash folder.]

I just want the spam to go to the trash folder automatically.

If there are no Predicted log entries for the messages, that suggests that either there’s a problem with the rule/script or that you didn’t receive any new messages in the inbox (which triggers Mail to apply the rule and run the script). You can test the script in isolation by opening it in Script Editor and clicking the Run button and make sure that works as expected.

Why would “Apple Mail - Rescue Good Messages” help?

Most of the emails that end up in the Junk folder are indeed junk - I just want them in the trash folder automatically instead.

Pretty sure AOL’s filtering is getting to them before SpamSieve can get to them, so I’m not sure why moving good emails to the inbox will help (I mean it won’t hurt either, but it doesn’t seem to address the issue stated).

Without the rescue setup, Mail will only send messages to SpamSieve that were in the inbox, but AOL’s filter is removing from the inbox before Mail sees them. The rescue script makes SpamSieve look for new messages in the Junk mailbox. It will move the ones it thinks are good to the inbox. The spam messages it will color and move to Trash (if configured to do that).