Reappearing Junk

I’m running SpamSieve 3.1 under macOS 14.16.1 and I use Apple Mail. I recently removed all my Apple Mail rules because they were treating some good senders as spam. That has caused spam emails to appear in my Junk folder and that’s fine. When I see them I train them as spam and then delete them. The problem with doing that is that the same spam senders still keep showing up in my Junk folder. Am I doing something wrong?

SpamSieve moves all spam messages to the Junk mailbox unless you are using the Move it to the Trash if the spam score is at least option.

IMO SpamSieve really needs a way to prevent known spam senders from showing up anywhere.

I would rather move them to the trash than have people possibly lose good messages if they make a mistake with the setup or training.

Could it be made an optional setting?

Maybe. The other issue is that Mail’s AppleScript support for fully deleting messages is unreliable in recent versions, and Mail extensions aren’t allowed to do it at all.

“Move to trash if . . .” doesn’t work. Stuff still goes back to Junk mailbox. Believe me, I’ve been through the setup multiple times, made a list, checked it twice.

There are no known issues with Move it to the Trash if the spam score is at least, and the last time we discussed this, I thought you said it was working for you. It’s important to realize that this setting only affects messages that SpamSieve is moving. If you have a server filter or other rule that’s moving messages to Junk, that will happen before SpamSieve sees the message. To make SpamSieve move messages from other filters to the Trash you would need to use the rescue setup.