SpamSieve Public Beta and macOS 14 Sonoma

Please add me to the beta too. Mail script works but not as we’re used too. Spamsieve is my no. 1 mail plugin!

Good luck, Michael. Please add me to the list of beta users as well

That beta-list must be getting quite full ! - please add me to the list if there is room.

My mailbox has gone crazy after having to disable SpamSieve in Sonoma, can’t cope without SpamSieve


Great! Count me in to be a private beta tester.

I’d like to be added as a beta-tester, too.

If there is room left, please consider my request to be added. In the time being I am looking into the Mail Script method. Thanks for posting it.

Please include me in the beta. I have been a Software Quality Assurance Engineer for over 30 years and would be happy to help get SpamSieve 3 ready for Sanoma.

Hi PLease add me to the sonoma beta if possible

Will the Check for Update menu item work for the beta?

Yes, once the public beta is available.

Just installed Sonoma Beta. What a shock to learn that SpamSieve doesn’t work. Glad you are working on a Sonoma version!

Sign me up if I can beta or help.
Also more than happy to buy into a new 3.x version - your support has been 1st class over the years! <3

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Would like to help with the beta, if you still need particpants

I’d help with the Beta as well.

Please add me to the Sonoma beta test - SpanSieve is essential to everything I do. Thanks!

What is the latest status of spam sieve for Sonoma, can you be more specific as to outstanding issues ? Sorry if you have already provided this info.
I am a very satisfied customer

It’s in testing. There remain a bunch of macOS bugs that affect it, but I have worked around them.

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Thank you Michael, I will gladly purchase the upgrade when available. This is absolutely the best spam filter in my 50+ years of computer experience - keep up the excellent work !

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Thank you, Michael. If you need any more help testing, please allow me to help.

Thank you, Michael. If you need any more help testing, please allow me to help. SpamSieve saves me from going through over 650+ spam emails a day. One of the best purchase for my Mac.

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